Tuesday, May 14, 2013

CO2 reaches 400 ppm

the problem is not so much that life on earth won't adjust, as that our civilization, its agriculture, & its permanent habitations are all based on a climate that is already becoming a thing of the past.

we haven't given a thought to what we could do with our highly concentrated coastal populations that will become environmental refugees, or the substitution of heat- & drought-resistant crops for the ones that will be subject to failure in a different regime.

i'm not even going to bring up the worst possibilities such as buried clathrates or a runaway greenhouse effect: the fact is, our 25 years of inaction have already condemned our descendants to some harsh forced choices when we could have made some smart, gentle ones--but that's politics.

it's a wonderful luxury to be able to ignore what is happening. doubtless, those to come will be too busy scrambling to stay alive, to ever give a thought to our infinite, stupid selfishness. even the image of apocalypse itself is only another tiny glowing screen to rivet our eyes.

lucky us.

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