Tuesday, March 8, 2011

another map of empathy

Other people's feelings.

Neurotypical: knows and cares.
Autistic-spectrum: doesn't know, but still cares.
Narcissist: knows but doesn't care.
Sociopath: doesn't know and doesn't care.

Which brings us to the question: what is it to know?

23 Vulcan words

a'rie'mnu: passion's mastery

awek'es: solitude, privacy

besau: to map

fusik: bashful, shy

it-fam: blunt, tactless

kla-lil: research (n)

koh-nar: cultural fear of emotional vulnerability

let'theiri: peace of mind-serenity

mnu: mastery

nel-dath: pattern

nenat-su'us: prime number

nirsh-saktra: neurotypical

ri'a'gra: singleminded

rilokavik starun: deceptive/misleading speech

riolozhikaikaik: highly illogical

limuk patalan: face detection

saktra: autistic

shi'dunap: library

telvan: reading

terish: the art of combining

trau'es: honesty

tsatik- secret (aj)

vakh-hal-tor: to go boldly


Word denoting what, highest accolades? Earth-shaking? All-around handy? Incomprehensible, but--? Word used to aggravate me. I felt as rebuke. I never wanted to be a quiz kid: i couldn't help it. How was test-taking not part & parcel of the regimentation around me i so deeply abhorred? If they had rewarded me with freedom it might have meant something. They didn't.

You don't have to be supernaturally endowed to grok that this society is a game or rather, a whole set of interlocking games in which the actual solving of problems, say, nilpertains what the game calls "a good move"... In the pantheon of game-heroes you may scan names that once belonged to some of the luckier contestants. Now they're the wrapper, the advertizing.

In actual fact, on occasion one's contributions will be gladly acknowledged; more often, they're bitterly opposed at first then factions contest them for years. Ultimately it's forgotten even that there was a way to do things otherwise. That's society's last joke on the creative.

If you study game-history you learn of contributions scorned, just as worthy, & maybe you'll cherish names that no one else remembers. Do this for long, you'll begin to forget the solitary bitterness of not being acknowledged. It would be enough, wouldn't it, simply to notice & remember.

This is not in the game. Work at it.