Friday, December 20, 2019

luxury tank

time to check out all our virtual CARTS,
a million species come to say ALOHA

time to find out whether our republic
has morphed into a harsher show, more ROYAL

whatever we thought we were doing comes to grief
among mere slaughters, as the permafrost THAWS

Graywyvern thinks it's time? it isn't time,
the calaveras chant, amidst swift SALSA

Monday, December 16, 2019

how psycho explains the world

in a savage YEAR
scant dinero, EURO;
fenced-off AREA

fellowship of the ROAD
with quicksilver VIER
a brush seldom IDLE

learn the ropes or ELSE
this last turquoise of REEF
swimmingpool feed HOSE

hail to the chief ORCA
mind lays scar on SCAR
invests with Wyndham EARL

shortest elk karma

some tower-set BASH
lingers the ARIA
though now add a SIGH

calavera's HAHA
hole in ground i BLAB
divest of Trojan LICE

chemical ACNE
the best it's ever BEEN
hyphen for a DASH

throttles the ARIA
someone else's SINS
will come to try this HASP