Feeling that one is outside (BARTU) the process & should be, somehow, included; the desire to be helpful; even, imagining you can fix (CIKRE) something (whether or not it actually can be fixed)--these are illusions or impulses saktra is prone to, & suffers from. Which is not the same as reciprocity. Thus, one philosophizes: when admonishment received would have better served.
A haggard kind of hipster grace inheres in bystanderness. Among, but not belonging to. The cool that is attained, not attributed. Fulcanelli (attributing it to Zoroaster, bad Latin & all) names the Sphingid powers as: scire 'to know', potere [=posse] 'to be able' (oft altered to "velle"--to will--per Uncle Aleister), audere 'to dare', tacere 'to keep silent'--which suggests Joyce's "silence, exile, cunning"-- these saktra mostly purely can imagine. How often must one bite one's tongue, or (most usually) risk the exposure of a ridiculous blurt...
DJUNO, KAKNE, VIRNU, SMAJI. Alchemy doesn't travel.