Thursday, February 17, 2011

aspie in the house of love

Long-suffering Aspies of the present day might reflect that in a large scale mercantile society such as ours, the proportion of discrete, impersonal &/or mediated transactions can be a hefty one; whilst in a venue such as the Court of Versailles of Louis Quatorze & the like, without explicit rules but burdened by innumerable nuances of mores, mass media being entirely replaced by gossip & innuendo--their disadvantages might have proven insurmountable. But in one respect, at least, we are still at that redoubtable Court--& on trial, it often feels, for our very lives.

In other words, the Court of Love. Our Super Powers fail us. Each clinker leaves its scar. Interviews, they say, are decided in the first 15 seconds (or whatever)--like science fiction nuclear wars--surely romantic interviews fare little better. If it were up to natural procreation to reproduce our kind, alas, i think we would not ever have managed to become known.

The services offered by modern communications, particularly online dating, but defer the issue. (My idea of speed-dating is growing up with the Girl Next Door.) Fortunately, by whatever mechanism, both males & females are found in this as in every scarce moiety & the unique channels by which heart is revealed to heart are capable of being discovered by those whose patience is not limited to bus stop vigils.

The one thing we might try to remember is that, even for those of the likelier persuasions, lasting love has never been common, cheap or easily available--only its counterfeits.

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