Friday, December 13, 2019

oversize temporary speed bump back to manageable

(via @jeffreyford8)

Gyron, two-wheel car of the future.

the sky full of arrayed flying HAFTS
halcyon · with a purely notional AZURE

rounds of tsantsa golf
call it FUGUE

whatever seems to happen
those fiery fountains of noise will TRUMP

from the real future
Graywyvern with his crimson messenger SEEPS

carting away the trees


Lenticular records.

cold FORGE
smudge OPERA
for a cane · bent REBAR
squatty glass with luminous GRAIL


these days, it seems to be, more than anything we need unity in the face of the threats to our democracy. in particular, though i usually am highly critical of the democratic party myself, i have begun to realize that a lot of the attacks on particular candidates may very well originate with russian troll farms; therefore, i am presenting this meme as a reply to all such stories, facebook or elsewhere. not to be construed as an insult, but rather as a caution: