Monday, December 4, 2017

Flowers of Egil

(via @rebeccablood)

Things analysis cannot do include: discerning the limits of analysis; but also: establishing the aims & methods of analysis. Thus, inference seems "mystical" when we rely on analysis to the point where we do not even realize that the basis of actual intelligence is synthesis.

"She wrote her fiction (all 90 novels and 300 short stories and novellas) longhand in a kind of trance."

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Speech for the Repeal of the McCarran Act


As Wulfstan said on another occasion,
The strong net bellies in the wind and the spider rides it out;
But history, that sure blunderer,
Ruins the unkempt web, however silver.
I am not speaking of rose windows
Shattered by bomb-shock; the leads touselled; the glass-grains broadcast;
If the rose be living at all
A gay gravel shall be pollen of churches.
Nor do I mean railway networks.
Torn-up tracks are no great trouble. As Wulfstan said.
It is oathbreach, faithbreach, lovebreach
Bring the invaders into the estuaries.
Shall one man drive before him ten
Unstrung from sea to sea? Let thought be free. I speak
Of the spirit's weaving. the neural
Web, the self-true mind, the trusty reflex.

--Richard Wilbur

Sunday, October 8, 2017


Because Idiocracy didn't have enough Nazis.

Because Idiocracy didn't have enough Nazis and guns.

Because Idiocracy didn't have enough Nazis, guns, and natural disasters.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

acrostics limp

(via via Michael Simms on Fb)

    "May 1915

Let us remember Spring will come again
To the scorched, blackened woods, where the wounded trees
Wait with their old wise patience for the heavenly rain,
Sure of the sky: sure of the sea to send its healing breeze,
Sure of the sun, and even as to these
Surely the Spring, when God shall please,
Will come again like a divine surprise
To those who sit today with their great Dead, hands in their hands
Eyes in their eyes
At one with Love, at one with Grief: blind to the scattered things
And changing skies."

--Charlotte Mew (Vox Populi via Michael Simms on Fb)

Function Disorder.

Monday, April 24, 2017

"4/20 is Ben Masel day in Madison, Wisconsin. One of the best friends and teachers of this lifetime, Ben never let anyone tell him how to live his life and you shouldn't either. Fight for what you believe in and the world that you envision. April 30 will mark 5 years since he left us, and we cherish the memories and thank him for the many blessings 💚💚💚 Much love to another personal hero Phil Ejercito for the iconic photo 💜 — with Steve Wessing and The ben masel project page." via Leslie Amsterdam on Fb

His FBI file was more than 800 pages long.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017

tamiflu shanter

Some poems by the Baroness.

It is a kind of flutter
like the beatring of moths' wings,
a Lethean stream
in which to dip forgetting eyes.

Are there so many terrors
among the things that just aren't so
Golgotha is a valley
where flutter the fragrant gonfalons

The Infinite Nothing.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

unsold heavy water

the earth will sweeten this spot
with the years, with the years
forgetting all our spite
the earth will sweeten this spot
the things we did for sport
& what the faith requires
the earth will sweeten this spot

with the years, with the years


Monday, February 13, 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

the crack in larsen c

"An apocalypse is the opposite of a dream. A dream is falser than the outer life. But the end of the world is more actual than the world it ends." --Chesterton, op cit

(pic by michael puttonen on fb)